Day 166: I need a drink

My daughter Maddie is in her makeshift nursery as I type "crying it out"... a process also known as "CIO" if you are a baby-book junkie. (Really, do we need to abbreviate everything? Are we honestly that busy? I am so tired of everyone being so proud of the fact that they are busy and stressed out. I was reading the other day about a doctor who said she was just far too busy to have her period, so she was advocating some kind of pill that supressed it. She actually said that her very busy medical practice doesn't allow her the time to go to the washroom to change a tampon, like we should all be so impressed. Please. But I digress...)
Maddie is CIO. There are some super human moms out there who don't let their babies do this, but I am not one of them. Over the past 5 months I have come to know my limits, and it turns out that struggling with a tired, screeching, red-faced baby falls just outside of them. I've tried the alternative, but in the end both of us just ended up tired, screeching, and red-faced and that doesn't do anybody any good. So instead she CsIO and I listen to her do it over the baby monitor with a guilty conscience and heavy heart and wonder for the umpteenth time if mid-afternoon is too early to have a glass of wine.
I have been a mom now for 166 days, and can honestly say that I know little more than I did when I started, so if you are looking for advice you are probably in the wrong place. But if you are just curious to see how a newbie mom is getting by, then by all means you are welcome to share in my random musings on the joys, challenges & general insanity of it all.
And on that note, the CIO is not going too well. We've hit minute 14 of her 15 minute limit and while she taunts me with brief periods of silence, the poor girl is definitely not sleeping. So it looks like that wine will have to wait!
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