Day 239: Holiday fun

I've only recently begun to grasp the idea that she will one day be a little kid, a teenager, a grown-up. We tend to live day by day, Mads and I, which doesn't allow much room for gazing wistfully into the future. But lately I've had glimpses. It's such a bizarre thought, that she'll have little friends, she'll get in trouble at school, she'll have her first kiss, her first car, her first job. One day she'll likely be bringing boys home and screaming that she hates us; hopefully not both on the same day, that would be a tough one. Ah, so many things to look forward to!
Poor Maddie is one frustrated little girl these days. Her brain is developed enough to know that she wants to move but her body isn't yet able to do it. So she spends a lot of her time straining, grunting, and eventually crying. Fernando and I, of course, take completely opposite approaches to this. He moves all of her toys just beyond her reach, encouraging her to get her little butt moving. I agree with this tactic, right until she starts screeching, at which point my priority becomes saving my own sanity, and I quickly push everything within her grasp, rendering the whole exercise pretty much pointless. Ah well, she'll get there eventually, I have no doubt. What she lacks in ability she makes up for in persistence, which both gives me hope and scares me to death!
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