Day 270: Christmas miracles

The in-laws took Maddie overnight yesterday so Fernando and I had an impromptu date night. We went to see the movie The Pursuit of Happyness and I have to say it was a tough haul. I mean, it was wonderful actually, but it made me think for the millionth time since having Maddie about the lengths people go to for their kids. Shortly after having Maddie I was at a new moms' support group meeting - which is an indication of how well things were going with our new little bundle of joy - and I very clearly recall saying that I felt overwhelmingly guilty because if push came to shove I wouldn't throw myself in front of a car for her. I wouldn't make that kind of sacrifice. It scared me, because I felt as though I should feel some kind of intense need to love and protect her, I should feel that her life was more important than my own. But I didn't. And now here we are on her 9 month birthday and I can say with relative confidence that I would give anything in the world for her. And now that knowledge is what scares me! I don't know when the change happened, I suspect it was a gradual thing, made stronger with each smile, with every time she's reached out to pat my face and every time she's looked helplessly at me after bumping her little head. I used to be consumed with what I saw as her shortcomings - the crying, the demands, the stubborn refusal to make my life even a little bit easier! But I know now that even though she makes me crazy, even though she has turned my world upside down, and even though there are days I feel overwhelmed and question the direction my life has taken - I wouldn't change a single thing about her. She's perfect. There is a lot of guilt and a lot of expectations that come with this motherhood gig, but my vast experience has made me realize that loving her doesn't mean I have to always love it.
And for the few of you who have lasted this long and are still reading... I hope you had a very merry Christmas. Or a happy Hanukkah, or a great Kwanzaa, or a wonderful holiday, whichever one it is you celebrate. And if you don't celebrate any holiday, hope you had a very enjoyable week. And I hope that 2007 is a happy and healthy one for all of us.
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