Day 177: That's what I get for bragging...

"We have been blessed with a good sleeper." Those were my own words, I believe from Day 171. I would like to take them back, if possible. Apparently Maddie has been surfing the net and read that entry and decided to prove me wrong. She has now taken to waking up in the middle of the night, every night since then. She's not hungry, seems she just wants to exercise her lungs at 2am. I thought I would just let her CIO, but this is no normal crying. She steps it up a notch at night. So out comes the exercise ball and we bounce and bounce until she's back asleep. I have probably spent half my waking hours bouncing on that damn ball since she was born. You'd think I'd have thighs of steel by this point... unfortunately not.
Is it just me or are we in the midst of another baby boom? I don't know if all these pregnant ladies and high tech strollers have been there all along and I'm just now honing in on it because of Maddie or if there has been a sudden reproduction eruption. It's apparently become the height of style: babies are the new black. Funny, though, I don't feel particulary fashionable covered in vomit and emitting that certain special quality that comes from having not showered in three days. And Hollywood is incredibly fertile these days, too, no? What with Shiloh and Suri and the rest of the celebity offspring. It kind of drives me crazy seeing photos of those moms in US Weekly running around make-up on and midrifts flashing, babies in tow. Not too good for the old self esteem. My favourite part of that magazine is the "Stars: they're just like us!" section where they have pictures of Heidi Klum wiping her kid's nose and Angelina Jolie hauling her baby around in a sling. They're just like us. Please. Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure Angelina isn't right now sitting in her nightgown, in a half-renovated house with no kitchen, with crusty spit-up in her hair, wondering how to spend her $550 EI paycheque.
And on that note, Maddie and I are taking a trip up to the mall this morning! The mall has become our second home, actually. We love it there. I still constantly find it bizarre how this little person who I barely know has become my new best friend. We are joined at the hip (no really, I carry her around all day in a "Hip Hammock") and even though she has no idea what I'm talking about I tell her all of my biggest plans and deepest secrets. She is the best at keeping secrets. I guess if I'm lucky one day she'll tell me hers, too.
Shopping awaits!
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