Day 197: Mom Brain

Sorry it's been a while since our last update. This is due in part to the fact that we've been busy achieving milestones and in part to Maddie deciding to ditch her usual 90 minute morning nap in favour of a 20 minute one as of late.
In regards to the milestones, there have been two that are particularly noteworthy. First of all, Mads had her 6-month birthday last week, which means that our little family has officially survived the first half year of her life with our sanity relatively intact; I consider this to be an incredible accomplishment. Instead of getting professional pictures taken to celebrate hitting the 6-month mark, as is the tradition apparently, I decided to be creative (and cheap) and take them myself. So I went and bought Maddie a new little outfit, plopped her down on the lawn and snapped away. I thought the results were pretty cute. My father-in-law thought the dress I chose made her look poor (as in destitute). Enough said.
The second milestone, as you can see from the picture: she's sitting! I sat her down as per usual the other morning and much to my surprise instead of doing the slow motion faceplant she just stayed there. Amazing!
In other news, my brain has officially turned to mush. Mom Brain is, I believe, the technical term for it. Poor Fernando, having a conversation with me these days is like talking to a brick wall. And a dumb one at that. This is a typical evening exchange:
Him: I have to work early tomorrow.
Me: Oh, too bad.
5 minutes later...
Me: So, are you working tomorrow?
Him: Yes. We just talked about that.
Me: Really? Oh, okay.
5 minutes later...
Me: So do you have the day off tomorrow?
And so on, and so on.
Another symptom of this Mom Brain is that I forget things everywhere. I leave a trail of personal belongings wherever I go. Salesgirls at the mall are regularly having to chase me down with my wallet/keys/phone/baby.
And then this morning I spent a good 25 minutes trying to decide if the correct term was "wheelbarrow" or "wheelbarrell." In the end I gave up and Googled it; turns out it's the former, in case you were wondering. Although, I still have my doubts - what hell's a "barrow?" This is how I spend my days.
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