Day 500: A tip from a worried mom

My mom assures me that she was entirely convinced my brother was autistic because he seemed to have a lot of excess saliva. She also was certain that I had leukemia because I bruised easily. I still bruise easily, I never had leukemia. Luckily, by the time my younger brother came along all her worries must have been spent. Maddie is 16 months and I have already falsely diagnosed her with (in no particular order, and for very brief durations): colic, reflux, muteness, seizures, night terrors, and some type of as-yet undiscovered muscular atrophy that renders babies unable to crawl or walk.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: she’s nuts. The thing is, I’m really not. No more than anybody else, at least. I’m just a mom, and with that job title comes a whole lot of worry. You may not believe it, but in general I’m a pretty laid back girl. I don’t rush to the doctor at every sneeze and sniffle; I didn’t panic when she took a tumble down the stairs; I didn’t cry when she scraped her little knee, or the time she bit through her lip hard enough to make it bleed; I don’t make the leap to a concussion when she gets a little bump on the head. Those things I take in stride. What worries me is the unknown – that vast and dangerous terrain. I can bandage a scrape and kiss a bump all better, but how do I protect her from all those things that maybe, possibly, one day, might go wrong? I guess the only thing I can do is to accept the fact that I can’t do much.
Now, didn’t somebody mention a glass of wine?
Note from a fellow BBC Mommy...
you are such an amazing writer and you articulate exactly what every Mom feels but cannot express!
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