Day 551: My not-so-busy busy life
So there we were, Mads and I, watching this leaf dance about, her giggling by this point and me with nothing more pressing on my mind than the wonder of nature. Had she not been there I am sure I would have walked right through the web, and spent the rest of the day worried that spiders were building nests in my hair.
That is the strange thing about life with baby. The days are so busy that I often feel run off my feet. But when I stop to think about what exactly is filling my days, I realize that a lot of it is nothing at all: looking at ladybugs, splashing in puddles, singing the same song over and over and over again. It feels hectic because I am always doing something - and true enough it can get mind numbing at times - but all things considered I guess it's not such a bad way to spend your days.
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