Day 587: Fall days

Yes, Fall is definitely my season. I love watching the leaves turn and then hearing them crunch under your feet after they’ve fallen. I love that you can see the cloudy puffs of your breath but it’s not yet too cold to go for a walk at the beach. I love pulling out the cozy sweaters and vests that you forgot you even owned. I love that you feel slightly less pretentious drinking a double tall non-fat latte on a cool Fall morning than you do in the midst of the Summer heat. Most of all I love those perfect Fall days – bright red leaves against a bright blue sky, when everything seems to come into sharper focus and everything somehow feels a bit more alive.
And now that Maddie is here I find I have a hundred more reasons to love the season: Watching her crouch to inspect a soggy leaf that’s plastered to the driveway, seeing her splash her way through an endless string of grey puddles, her wet little face peeking out from beneath the hood of her yellow raincoat, her studious efforts to help her Daddy gather up the leaves with her dollar store plastic rake.
I swear, sometimes – when she’s not standing screaming bloody murder in the bath or tossing her entire dinner overboard to the dog – that kid is so cute I can barely stand it.
Hope you’re all enjoying some happy Fall days of your own!
(ps – and thanks to those who’ve left comments lately, I love getting them! I wish there was some way to reply, but I guess this will have to do.)
OMG, we are lost sisters as I too love fall! You summed it up beautifully!
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