Day 505: Wedded bliss
I have long held a theory about babies, and this wedding proved it to be true. The theory goes something like this: All babies are equipped with some sort of internal sensory mechanism that enables them to detect when their parents are at their breaking point. That moment when they are so tired, or frustrated, or confused, or worried that they are on the verge of either pulling out their hair or throwing in the towel; when they are beaten and weathered and feeling entirely inadequate. It is at that very instant that the child that has been a complete terror for a week will suddenly transform into a perfect little angel, full of smiles, erupting with giggles, virtually overflowing with outpourings of love and adoration and general loveliness. And after a day of this that poor parent will convince herself that she must have overreacted, that she maybe just expected too much, that it was in fact she who had the bad week (for it certainly couldn't have been the vision of perfection she sees before her now). And so it was with Maddie and the wedding.
The week leading up the event had its trials and was capped off by a very loud and embarasing public meltdown during a trip to the local Home Depot. It was entirely our fault of course, Fernando and I, as we forced Maddie to endure the torture of sitting in the cart rather than letting her continue to wreak havoc throughout the aisles of the store. On the trip home I found myself wondering - if we can't even make it through 20 minutes in a hardware store how will we ever survive a weddng ceremony and cocktail reception - particularly on a day when she would be (gasp!) skipping a nap? Let's just say I didn't have very high expectations.
But wouldn't you know she was perfection. Adorable, sweet, affectionate, attentive. Even when she cracked her head on a concrete bench so hard that it drew blood there was not a whisper of complaint. She was a poster child, miraculous - thus proving my theory. They drive you to the edge of insanity only to draw you right back in again. Well, I'm onto her now. Until the next time she turns on the charm, of course, and I return to being putty in her sticky little hands.
(ps - Just a note to all of you who have left comments here along the way: I appreciate it so much! I've convinced myself I'm not the only person experiencing all of these ups and downs of parenting, but it's very nice to have it confirmed! Thanks.)
Fabulous! I really wish I had your gift for words! You have to promise that if you ever quite writing to print this off and give it to Maddie once she is a mother. Only then can you truly appreciate a mother's love. Oh and as you can see I found my uername and password so I can finally comment on how amazing I really think you are:)
I love the hair bow! I'm glad the wedding was fun for all of you! Annika has had a meltdown in Home Depot as well - maybe there's something in there that toddlers hate...
from a fellow BBC March '06 Mommy!
Can I suggest a book? We've recently bought "The Strong-Willed CHild" by James Dobson for our SWC. Entertaining and helpful!
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